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$12,184.11 Raised / $60,000 Goal / expired

FDIC Backed Bank Accounts for Licensed Marijuana Business'

The Legal Marijuana industry has spread quickly throughout the United States. Business owners have built Successful legal operations, which brings in large amounts of state and federal tax dollars daily. However, because Marijuana is federally recognized as a Class-1 Drug, FDIC backed banks will not accept Marijuana money even in legalized states. This issue causes owners of legal operations to oversee massive amounts of cash that can not be placed in structured bank accounts. This surplus of physical cash causes theft, violence, and a movement of cash toward the black market. In order to fix the banking problem within the Marijuana industry, the classification federally of Marijuana must be altered. This would create a safer environment for all citizens, a more regulated industry, and more tax dollars that can be used to positively affect the world around us. 

Goal Status
- Alter policy regarding the classification of Marijuana Federally from a Class-1 Drug in order to allow FDIC banking for owners.
Goal Status
- Create more clear tax policies, assuring all legal Marijuana business owners are properly paying taxes. With more clear policies and more readily available information, all taxes that are due would be accounted for.
Las Vegas
United States